Thursday 15 March 2018

3 Key Steps to Amend Your Investment Plan

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Typically, investment planning goes on throughout a year. But, like most investors, if you adopt the common approach, you might miss out on your regular investment opportunities. When you add the market volatility factor to the equation, it becomes clear why you should review your investment plan and update it, if required, in a timely manner.

Though you are likely to meet an investment professional for a periodical analysis of your portfolio’s performance, it is imperative that you also review your investment strategy on your own. While doing it, consider the following points.

1. Analyse asset allocation and risk tolerance
Do not forget to keep an eye out for asset allocation. This is a necessary step to get desirable results of your portfolio as 90% of it would depend on how well you allocate your resources.

Also, ask yourself how convenient it would be for you if you took a risk in your portfolio. That way, apart from figuring out your risk tolerance, you would also be in a better position to set your targets and time horizon to achieve them.

2. Analyse the investment policy statement
An investment policy serves as the guide to one’s investment goals and outlines the strategies by which an investment professional can help you achieve them. In case you have the statement of your investment policy, examine whether it is current or needs an update.

Develop an understanding of your investment strategy
When you step into the stock market, it is of critical importance to have a sound knowledge of what your investment strategy is all about. Is your investment well diversified or have you put all your eggs in one basket?

Generally, you should consider investing your resources across several asset classes to make it less volatile and prevent the possibility of losing them all at once. Also, take the following aspects into consideration.
  • Growth Make sure that you invest a certain part of your portfolio for promoting its value. By doing so, you will get a higher income in the long term.
  • Mutual Funds Equities have outperformed inflation in recent years. What can you make out of this information? Of course, you should consider investing in equities with brighter prospects to sustain growth in future.
  • Cost While investing in mutual funds, focus your attention on two important things – the upfront fee on mutual funds and the expense ratio. If the latter is low, you are more likely to get profitable investment returns.
  • Long-Term Perspective Though you cannot change the highs and lows of the stock market, you can definitely control the way you respond to them by putting a plan in place. Ensure that you have a reliable long-term strategy to which you can adhere without the need to make changes every now and then.

The Bottomline
No matter whether it is you or your investment professional who would manage your investments, do not forget to dedicate some time to conduct a review of your investment plan. This practice will enable you to monitor and achieve your future investment objectives.

Do you need help with updating your investment plan?
Updating an investment plan might sound like a cakewalk but in practical terms, it is a specialized job which demands expertise. If you are not sure how to go about it, reach out to Priscillian Order – the best trading club – for professional assistance.

At Priscillian Order, you will get a comprehensive solution to everything related to the stock market. Whenever you would encounter a bumpy ride in the world of investment, you will be able to sail through it with the valuable guidance by Mr Porschay Persh, an expert investment professional, at the best trading club. Join now to turn your dream into reality.

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